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Preparing Artwork and Text Files

Optimizing your images for the Web

When preparing images for the Web, it is important to remember that smaller files (in kilobytes) load faster. However, files that are too small can result in image distortion. You need to balance these criteria as you prepare the image files for the Web.

We recommend image widths to be between 1000 and 2000 pixels. The images wider than 600 pixels are automatically watermarked with your name and copyright statement in high-resolution views (e.g. on the Enlarge page).

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to prepare an image for the Web using Adobe Photoshop:

  1. Open your image file in Photoshop;
  2. In the top area of Photoshop window, click on the 'Image' and choose the 'Image size';
  3. Set Width to 1000-2000 pixels (the height is not important, it will change accordingly). Click OK;
  4. Click on the 'File' menu and choose 'Save for Web';
  5. Choose 'JPG' under 'Settings', and on the right side you will see the 'Quality' control options.
Click on the small arrow in the Quality control and you will get a sliding control underneath. Moving it left or right gives you an ability to change image file size. When you move the arrow, take a look at your image; the file size information will appear in the left bottom corner. Your goal is to make file size to be under 3 MB.

For the detailed instructions on preparing images for the Web, click here:

File size requirements

Required file format is jpeg with file extension JPG.

Image width has to be minimum of 550 pixels and recommended to be between 1000 and 2000 pixels.

File size: no larger than 3 MB.

Recommended resolution: 72 pixels/in. You can use a higher resolution as long as the image does not exceed the file size requirement.

File naming requirements

The image has to be saved as a JPG document and have no spaces within the file name.

For example:

* Incorrect name: Spring Dunes.dat
* Acceptable name: SpringDunes.jpg

Uploading Artwork Files

To upload artwork files:

  • Log in to your account using username and password
  • Click on the 'My Artworks' button. The artworks page will appear.
  • Click on the 'Add Artwork' button
  • Fill out the online form:
Click on the ‘Browse’ button to specify the image file to upload;
Enter artwork information including title, description, height/width and price
  • Click on the ‘Save’ button
  • Click on the ‘Enable’ button

Note for Portfolio and Open Studio accounts: in the ‘Page’ field, select page number or select the ‘Start new Page’.

Note for Artist Studio and Artist Gallery accounts: in the ‘Series’ field, specify textual or numeric name for your page.

To sort artworks:

  • Click on the 'My Artworks' button in your account;
  • Click on the 'Sort Artworks' button at the bottom of the page (you may have to scroll down);
  • Select the radio button of the artwork which you would like to move;
  • Click on the 'Move up' or 'Move down' button, or choose future neighbor from drop down box.

Using this tool you will be able to move the images inside a page as well as between pages. You can also move (reorder) the pages.

Search engine tips:

  • Put correct keywords into the artwork's form - the ones that would really work for you.
  • Enter a unique description for each artwork. You can improve your results in search engines by making unique descriptions for each artwork - this cannot be overemphasized!
  • It would be a good idea to use your name and style(s) in the keywords, as well as in artwork descriptions.

Don't forget to:

  • Bring your friends to see your art
  • Advertise your website on your mailing list (mailing list capability is included with your MesArt account)
  • Include your website URL on your business cards and other printed materials
  • Try exchanging links with other artists and art organizations.

Artwork Keywords and Descriptions

If you have unique titles for your works and include specific descriptions for each of your pieces, this will greatly increase the frequency of search engine results for you and your art. Collectors will often search according to a specific theme, subject matter or idea.

Additionally, completing the keywords field on the “My Artwork” page will also help improve your web presence by providing search engines with the specific information which increases your relevance in search results.

Text for Your Website

Information about you and your art will make your site more interesting to visitors and potential buyers.

Your MesArt website is designed to include your short bio (up to 50 words), a biographical statement and individual artwork descriptions. We recommend that you create these first as text file(s) on your computer, and copy and paste then into the MesArt online forms. This will save you time when filling out our online forms.

Difference between a short bio and a biography

The short bio (up to 50 words) is displayed in the MesArt artist listings (example: Artist Studio listing), while the biographical statement is displayed on the biography page of your website. You may include your biography, artist’s statement or resume on the biography page.

Editing and replacing text

Throught your MesArt account, you may change or replace images and text at any time. Whenever you need to make adjustments, simply click on the 'Login' link at the top area of MesArt homepage, and click on the appropriate buttons:

'My Profile': to edit information as about your art category, photo, biography, or links.
'My Contact Info': to edit your name, address and other contact information.
We wish all of you happiness and success!