
Artwork Description

The Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux, were half brothers and twins, one the son of the mortal Tyndareus, king of Sparta, and the other the son of Zeus, who raped their mother, Leda, in the form of a swan. Castor was a great horseman and Pollux a great boxer. When the mortal brother was killed in battle, his immortal twin asked Zeus to let them trade places in the underworld day by day, so his brother could live on. Touched by his loyalty and love, Zeus put them both in the Heavens as the Gemini. These are drawings done on prepared paper. I wash printmaking papers with acrylics, add litho inks by sending them through the press or by hand, draw on them, and paint on them. The mosaics developed out of my love for ancient classical and Byzantine art forms. After establishing the figures, I rule and draw the grid, and paint it by hand.


Castor and Pollux 32
Castor and Pollux 32
.Mixed Media, 30″
$1,200  Buy | Enlarge

Fort Mason Printmakers: CCSF@Fort Mason, Bldg. B, 2 Marina Blvd. San Francisco CA, 94123 | T: 415 561-1840 | Email