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Louise Weinberg's Looking at Pictures, The Senate, Paris

Louise Weinberg

Marlene Weinstein's Behind Ventana

Marlene Weinstein

Sandrine Weinstein's Cosmic Sequence

Sandrine Weinstein



Joan Weiss's Vernal Falls

Joan Weiss

Melissa Wenzel's Three Paintings and a Nest

Melissa Wenzel

Melissa West's Shaman

Melissa West

Ron West's Badin Lake, N.C.

Ron West

Loida Wexler's 14kt Citrine Necklace

Loida Wexler

Nathalie Whisman's Offerring

Nathalie Whisman

Kelly White's Yellow Slicker

Kelly White

marlene white's Passing

marlene white

Troy White's Afro Queen

Troy White

Sarah Whitecotton's On the Edge

Sarah Whitecotton

Sylvia Whitfield's Yard in Spring

Sylvia Whitfield

darren wiggins's Pink

darren wiggins

Olivia Wilber's Half Moons 2

Olivia Wilber

Linda Wilds-Beltz's

Linda Wilds-Beltz

Demetrius Williams's rauff 'n' sa'cluded

Demetrius Williams

Jonathan Williams's Glowing Guitar

Jonathan Williams

Gary Willing's I would walk thru the gates of hell, for you.

Gary Willing

Keith Wilson's Balanced Light

Keith Wilson

Keely Wimbish's Backporch Sittin

Keely Wimbish

Peter Winberg's Sand beach

Peter Winberg

Jerry Winick's Times Square

Jerry Winick

Paz Winshtein's contemplating

Paz Winshtein

Peter Wise's Turret Juno

Peter Wise

Judith Witkin's Poppies on Blue

Judith Witkin

Joyce Wittman's Medjugorje1

Joyce Wittman

Susan Wolf's greif, then

Susan Wolf

Cleo Wolfus's leather bracelets with paula shell

Cleo Wolfus

Nad Wolinska's Hansa Swann

Nad Wolinska

Julia Wolinsky's Until further notice

Julia Wolinsky

Julie T. Wong's Happiness: $75 framed/ $50 print only

Julie T. Wong

Michael Wong's Tenderloin View

Michael Wong

Sharlena Wood's Entering the Burnt Forest

Sharlena Wood

Flower Wool's Cushion

Flower Wool

Sharon Worley's Elizabethan Aztecs

Sharon Worley

Roxanne Worthington's Passing Through #12

Roxanne Worthington

Cheryl Wright's Game Time

Cheryl Wright

TheArthur Wright's The Tyger #2

TheArthur Wright

Joyce Wynes's Crime Crunchies

Joyce Wynes

Cammie Wysocki/Noel's Balcony

Cammie Wysocki/Noel

sidney xie's Chinese Painting-CPN_004

sidney xie

Suzanne Yee's White Egg

Suzanne Yee

Sona Yeghiazaryan's the magic of the evening

Sona Yeghiazaryan

Chuck Yokota's Girl with the Other Pearl Earring

Chuck Yokota

Susan Yorke's Choices

Susan Yorke

Wendy Yoshimura's Three Strawberries in Green Glass Boat

Wendy Yoshimura

Shante Young's Father & Daughter

Shante Young

Avideh Zahedi's Depression

Avideh Zahedi

Hamdija Zahirovic's Bosnian landscape

Hamdija Zahirovic

Lyuba Zahova's Travelling

Lyuba Zahova

Iwona Zawadzka's Puzzle

Iwona Zawadzka

Patricia Zemanek's Heart Flight

Patricia Zemanek

Mariella Zevallos's Woman looking at a Painting  N/A

Mariella Zevallos

Jun Zhou's Birds Opera

Jun Zhou

Troy Ziel's Lonely Chair

Troy Ziel

Andreas Zielenkiewicz's Tower of Babel

Andreas Zielenkiewicz

Elena Zolotnitsky's Remake / Small Blue

Elena Zolotnitsky

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