Ceramics | Fiber Art/Textile | Glass | Graphics | Illustration | Jewelry | Mixed Media | New Media | Painting | Photography | Print Design | Printmaking | Sculpture
Acrylic | Charcoal | Digital/Graphics | Gouache | Ink on Paper | Mixed Media | Oil | Pastel | Pen and Ink | Pencil | Silk | Watercolor
Black | Blue | Brown | Cyan | Gray | Green | Khaki | Magenta | Mixed | Orange | Pink | Purple | Red | White | Yellow
Mesart #311 Oxalis 7/7/2013 Robert Lowenfels $200
Overcast Pauline Crowther Scott $300
Trees #20 Robert Lowenfels $175
Flight of Angels Pauline Crowther Scott $300
Resistance Mikhail Gorshunov $10,000
Unknown History Mikhail Gorshunov $8,000
Sunset in Bologna Beryl Landau $350
Garden Feathers Pauline Crowther Scott $300
Treasure Island Juanita Hagberg $350
Lake Mistissini Quebec #2 Robert Lowenfels $100
Three Cats Pauline Crowther Scott $900
Pink Sky #5 Robert Lowenfels $100
mesart 252 May flowers Robert Lowenfels $200
The Cathedral Carolyn K. Bellis $175
Old Story Mikhail Gorshunov $500