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Summer's Blessings Jeremy Sams $250
Emanon Ronald Newman $950
Cockatiels Nami O'Donnell $10
african comedy night benedict edet $1,950
Paris Raymond Meifert $1,100
Landscape 5 Nikolaj Indukhov $1,300
Harbor Aleksandr Flegontov $150
Curves Seamus Berkeley $795
Emmeline Maria Iciak $400
Deception in the Organic-Metaphysical Room Juan Villegas $800
Jazzy Fro Troy White $1,200
Morning Vasily Belikov $1,500
Friuts of passion Oleh Bezyuk $1,500
Black and Blue Patrushka Mitchell $450
Residual Fogs Keith Wilson $385
The Arboretum Steve Hermann $175
Anthoriums Natasha Foucault $550
Farm Life Flip van Coller $850
Red thought red feelings I Alessandro Bozzolan $2,435
Minor Walk Ronald Newman $950
Farewell, Season Of Pisces Natalia Rachkovskaya $800
Shanks Pony Irene Hendrick $4,000
83 Hratch Isirelian $4,900
First Supper Troy White $2,500
Fruit Bowl Painting Matt Parks $200
A Tear For The Pollen Eaters Patrushka Mitchell $600
Parakeets Nami O'Donnell $10
Iconic Impression Maritza Jauregui $2,400
Limantour walk Victoria Veedell $350
Onan Arturo V. Hernandez $450
Foil 18 deep/earthy/steely Alan Mazzetti $800
Pines Steve Hermann $125
WITH TAMBYRINE Tania Rodin $350
Sleeping Stones. Crimea. Alupka. Great Chaos Natalia Rachkovskaya $700
Portrait in pink Rosaria D'Alessio $150
Lilac in chinese vase David Donskoy $700
Years ago, freedom. desi perez $11
"Self Portrait According to my Mother or The Origin of Wrinkles" Marsha Balian $400
Fallen Angel David Donskoy $570
Still Life 4 Nikolaj Indukhov $1,100
Evening in Vasilevo Anatoly Sysoev $700
Kiki Maria Iciak $400
Beautiful Music Troy White $2,200
Can Can Allan Friedlander $3,200
sun rays over pont des arts leo degreco $5,000
Venetian Shipyard 2 Filip Mihail $750
The Nubian Leanne Rain $25
Puppy Love Sharolyn Townsend $400
Landscape 6 Nikolaj Indukhov $1,300
Summer Day Sandra Speidel $3,500
The road Vasily Belikov $2,500
Theory on God Juan Villegas $400
Mountain Ash Anatoly Sysoev $2,300
Boats, Greece Natasha Foucault $550
Sviyazhsk Aleksandr Flegontov $150
Blue fronted amazon parrot Nami O'Donnell $10
Fall Mountain Ash Anatoly Sysoev $2,300
Mountain Biker Kerima Swain $725
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