
1989 - graduated from the Moscow Institute of Fine Arts named after V.N. Surikov.
1980 - started to exhibit.
Has taken part in Young Artists, Republic, All-Union (of the former USSR) and World exhibitions. Member of Russian Artists Association.
1989 - the group exhibition of Young Artists in Japan
1989 - "Avtoportret" ("Self-portrait") Exhibition. Kuznetsky Most -- 11. Moscow.
1989 - "The Youth of Russia" show in the Central House of Artists. Moscow.
1992 - 'Ecology' union exhibition.
1992 - "Youth - XX" Show. Moscow.
1993 - a diploma of The Moscow World Festival "Language, Education, Culture"
1993 - a diploma of the "New York Vodka in Creation of Russian Artists" contest hold by the "MARS" Gallery
1997 - "Gold Brush -- 97" Seventh Exhibition of Paintings in the Central House of Artist. Catalog. Moscow.
1997 -- "A Theater begins from the Artist" Seventh Exhibition. Russian Creative Chamber. The Central House of Artist. Moscow
1995--"Anglyskiy Dvor" (English Court)
1996--"Gogolevsky Boulevard"
1996 --"Gogolevsky Boulevard. The World Federation of Artists and the Association of Russian Artists." Moscow
1995, Participation in the TV Show "Auction", 5th Channel
1993--"SOBESEDNIK" Weekly newspaper
1995--"OGONYOK" Magazine
1996--"SMENA" Magazine
1997--SPUTNIK Magazine
1997 -- CAPRICE Magazine
1996 -- RABOTNITSA (Woman-worker) Magazine
1996 -- DEN'GI (Money) Magazine
1997 -- NOVOE VREM'YA (New Times) Magazine
1997-- STOLITSA (Metropolis) Magazine
1997 -- DELOVYE LYUDI (Business People) Magazine
1997 - NOVAYA ROSSIA (New Russia) Magazine
1998 - International Artistic Salon, Central House of Artists, Elena Gallery, Moscow. Catalogue.
"Spring" Art Salon, Moscow
"World of Art" Show Alpen Rose Gallery, Moscow Business Plaza, "Radisson - Slavianskaia" Hotel, Moscow
"Inspiration" Show Alpen Rose Gallery, Mart Gallery, Moscow
1999 - "World of Art" Show, Central House of Artists, Moscow
1999-2000 - "America - Russia," the second annual show, "Avtoamerika" club, Moscow. Catalogue.
1998 - "Kultura" newspaper ("Culture")
1999 - "V Mire Zhivotnikh? ("In the Animals World") Magazine
"Mir i Dom" ("World and Home") magazine
"Ostrov Afroditi" ("The Aphrodite Island") magazine
Publication of pictures in magazines
1998 - "Praznik" ("Holiday")
1998 - "Soft Market"
1999 - "Yat"
1999 - "Ego"