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  FINE ART:  Photography
  Virginia Garcia

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Virginia R. Garcia was born in Conneaut, Ohio in 1949. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in French from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio and a Diploma from the Sorbonne, Paris, France.  She also earned a Masters Degree in Education from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

She began a corporate career in Chicago, Illinois  which eventually brought her to California.

At age 30, Virginia bought her first Nikon and has had a love affair with photography ever since. Her muse has always been Paris. She built a successful advertising agency  which she sold to subsidize a life in Paris for a number of years.

Returning to California , she settled into an artists community in Oakland, California. Through her association with the Oakland Art Murmur, she was recently encouraged to find the essence of Paris in the city of Oakland, California. Not a likely place to find Paris. But she did.

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